Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I saw on our class Wiki Dr. Crawford posted a link to RubiStar. I have used RubiStar throughout my class time at Iowa State and also in my practicum and student teaching experiences. RubiStar is an online rubric maker that is FREE! I have found it to be very beneficial. It has a lot of topics you can choose from to create your rubrics (I have found something for everything I needed a rubric for so far). Some examples are: reading, math, art, and oral projects. I used the oral projects rubric during one of my student teaching experiences for a unit on biographies. Students presented as the person they researched and were graded based on an oral project rubric. Also, you can add to and edit the words in the rubric to better meet what you are looking for from your students. This is an easy and time efficient way of creating a rubric. I would highly recommend looking around on this site if you have not been on it before. It is definitely a great tool to use as a teacher.


  1. Melanie,

    I too have used RubiStar all throughout my time at ISU. I believe we first heard about it during CI 201 with Dr. Crawford (thank goodness!). I agree with you that it is a very usefully tool to use. As many teachers say, "You don't need to reinvent the wheel," we don't need to start totally fresh when creating a rubric. RubiStar saves us tons of time and give us good ideas when we might be drawing a blank. I haven't had to use it for a while so thanks for refreshing my memory!!

  2. I three have used RubiStar=). It is a WONDERFUL tool to use and has helped me create rubrics for many class projects. I'm not the best at creating tables on Word or any other program, and Rubistar is a great way to avoid dealing with the hassle. It's nice to be able to look at other teachers rubrics for similar projects you are looking to grade and even if it's not exactly what you are looking for, it's nice to have something to compare to and maybe tweak a little.

  3. Glad you found RubiStar and are using it! It really is a wonderful online tool to help simplify the process of creating assessment tools for our classrooms.
